
  • SoFurry Open Beta

    The beta version of SoFurry is now open access and I have spent the last few days learning the ropes. I have migrated all of my stories over, as well as updated my profile with key information. However, there are still things I need to understand. Furthermore, it would appear that my views, likes and…

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  • This and That

    It has been a very busy few months, meaning I haven’t spent as much time writing as I would have liked. I find the Summer months quite difficult, not aided by the fact that it’s rarely below 28C in this flat. I am still playing around with this website and I am hoping to launch…

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  • ConFuzzled Writing Panels

    ConFuzzled was a very busy con this year as I was asked to contribute to some of the writing panels. There has been a feeling that writing has been somewhat undervalued of late, but there has been a real renaissance in furry literature in the UK in particular. The launch of The Book Badgers is…

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  • Furry Weekend Atlanta

    I have just come back from a nine-day stay in Georgia, where I attended Furry Weekend Atlanta. It was my first US con since 2017 and it was by far the biggest I have attended. The furry scene in the US is much grander and quite a bit different to elsewhere and it was good…

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  • The Cóyotl Awards Update

    While none of my stories made the shortlist for the Ursa Majors or Cóyotl Awards, I am delighted that ‘Happy Howlidays’, the anthology in which ‘1725’ features, has made the final ballot for the ‘Best Anthology’ award in the Cóyotls. You can see the shortlist and vote for it if you are a member of…

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  • The Ursa Major and Cóyotl Awards

    Awards season is upon us and this is the first year when I have a few stories that are eligible. The Ursa Major Awards Nominations for The Ursa Major Awards are now open to the public. Happy Howlidays! – the anthology in which I was featured – is on the list under the Recommended Anthropomorphic…

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